About us
Peninsula Voice works to help build a more resilient community on the Mornington Peninsula in Victoria’s south-east. We shine a light on the issues that impact us, bring together experts to share evidence, knowledge and lived experiences, and we support conversations that promote positive, community-led solutions.
Peninsula Voice is a volunteer organisation based on the Mornington Peninsula (Victoria, Australia). We work with the local community to provide a safe space to give voice to issues impacting our health and wellbeing. We create the opportunity for public conversations about common issues challenging us all, using the latest evidence and personal stories.
Our non-political position allows us to gather community leaders, acknowledged experts, recognised bodies and community members to explore how we can self-determine healthy and compassionate social outcomes for the benefit of every community member.
Peninsula Voice is a registered charity.
We provide opportunities for everyone to get involved, form new relationships and make a positive contribution in our local neighbourhood.
why we exist
Peninsula Voice (PV) was started in 2014 by members of several local Christian churches who shared a desire to make a positive contribution in our community. We agreed to encourage a generous community spirit based on trust and goodwill. We decided to engage and work with as many individuals and groups as possible, both secular and non-secular, to provide a social platform which would allow for this trust and goodwill to flourish.
Sometimes the many and varied challenges we all face in relationship to communities, can cause social disharmony and ultimately, disconnection. Peninsula Voice focuses on the exponential benefits and advantages that come from greater dialogue and exchange in navigating challenges.
Peninsula Voice is a facilitator for conversation and assumes a neutral, non-political viewpoint. We are not a lobby group but rather, we gather community leaders, acknowledged experts, recognised bodies and people of the community to engage and wrestle with the latest evidence-based research and personal stories to gain a better understanding of what lies behind issues disrupting our community. Armed with this more expanded view, we then encourage the development and adoption of healthy and compassionate outcomes.
Since our inception, we’ve tackled many of the big issues and led the discussion on a number including family violence, mental health, homelessness and housing affordability, gambling and drug addiction.
Meet the Team
Peter Orton
David Corduff
Gab Gordon
Committee Member
Malcolm Daff
Lizzy Gordon
Our Partners
Government Agencies
Alfred Mental and Addiction Health (AMAH)
Banyule Community Health – ReSPIN program
Department of Human Services
Family Violence Service
Good Shepherd
Peninsula Health
Alcohol and Other Drugs Service
Community Health, Frankston Integrated Health Centre
Community Mental Health Service Frankston
Mornington Community Health
Victoria Police
Crime Command
Home Visitors Scheme Mornington
Proactive Programs Unit Frankston
Southern Metro Region Rosebud
Service Groups
Rotary Mt Martha
Rotary Mornington
Commercial Organisations
ABBE Packaging
Bendigo Bank Mornington
Bendigo Bank Mt Martha
Bolton Clarke
CEVE Services Somerville
Creative Sweat
Endota spa Red Hill
Ed Wischer Productions
Fenix Blue (Lee Roach)
Frankston-Mornington Peninsula Medicare Local
Maddocks Legal
Minds at Work
Mornington Cinemas
NAB Mornington
Paul Mason Audio Services
Peninsula Hot Springs
School Focused Youth Services
Secret Garden Florists Mornington
Vita Health Care
Woolworths Mornington
Local Government
City of Frankston
City of Frankston Community Development
Shire of Mornington Peninsula
Communities That Care
Community Strengthening
Mornington Libraries
Enhanced Maternal and Child Health
Peninsula Youth Services
Monash University
Centre for Islam and the Modern World
School of Media, Film and Journalism
Swinburne University of Technology
University of Divinity: Stirling College
University of Melbourne: Convergence Science Network
Publishers, Radio & Media
ABC National Breakfast Program
Farrells Bookshop Mornington
Frankston Standard
Media Stockade
Mornington Leader
Mornington News
Wild Dingo Press
Photos by Yanni
Balcombe Grammar School
Flinders Christian College
Frankston High School
McClelland College Karingal
Padua College
Peninsula Grammar
Rosebud Secondary College
St Macartan’s Parish Primary School
Woodleigh School
Community Groups and Not-For-Profits
Afghan Australian Development Organisation
Al-Anon Family Group
Alliance for Gambling Reform
Anglicare Family Solutions Rosebud West
Anglicare Parentzone
Anglicare Victoria
Australian Drug Foundation
Beyond Blue
Church of Christ Opportunity Shop Wilsons Road
City Life Frankston
Connect Health: Gamblers Help – Southern
Community Radio RPP
Domestic Violence Victoria
Family Drug Help
Family Drug Support
Family Mediation Centre
Family Mental Health Support Service
Fusion Mt Martha
Good Shepherd Youth and Family Service
Headspace Frankston
Hope Assistance Local Tradies – HALT
Its OK Not to be OK
L2P Program
Les Twentyman Foundation
LifeWorks Relationship Counselling and Education Services
Luke Batty Foundation
Men’s Referral Service Domestic Violence Resource
Centre Victoria
Men’s Shed Mornington
Mentis Assist Mornington
Mornington Botanical Rose Garden
Mornington Civic Bowls Club
Mornington Community House
Mornington Community Information and Support Centre Inc
Mornington Peninsula Branch of the Australian Psychology Society
Mornington Peninsula District Scout Association
MS Community Visitors Scheme
Mt Martha CFA
Neighbourhood Connect
Orygen Mental Health
OZ Child
Peninsula Community Legal Centre
Willum Warrain
You Group Victoria – Behaviour Change Program
Youth Support and Advocacy Centre Frankston
REACH Foundation
Renters And Housing Union (RAHU)
Salvation Army Homelessness Service
Self Help Addition Resource Centre – SHARC
St Kilda Football Club
St Macartan’s Parents and Friends
Southern Peninsula Community Support
To Turn-a-Page
Three Sides of a Coin
Victorian Alcohol and Drug Association (VAADA)
Victorian Legal Aid Frankston
Western Port Community Support
Victorian Public Tenants Association
Churches and Faith Based Organisations
Jubilee Church Frankston
Melbourne School of Theology
Mornington Church of Christ
Mornington Peninsula Interfaith Network
New Peninsula: A Baptist Church
Peninsula City Church Frankston
St Macartan’s Catholic Church
St Marks Uniting Church Mornington
St Paul’s Anglican Frankston
St Peters Anglican Mornington
Uniting with Friends